
Academic Plan

2024-2025 Academic Plan is available to view.

General Learner Outcomes

The Department's General Learner Outcomes (GLOs) are the over-arching goals of standards-based learning for all students in all grade levels.

For many years, through changes in leadership, assessments and curricula, the General Learner Outcomes have been there. These are the over-arching goals of standards-based learning for all students in all grade levels. Our teachers rely upon rubrics built upon these to inform their assessment of students — going beyond academic achievement to ensure students become engaged, lifelong learners. 

General Learner Outcomes (GLO):

Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

"Today’s students are preparing to enter a world in which colleges and businesses are demanding more than ever before. To ensure all students are ready for success after high school, the Common Core State Standards establish clear, consistent guidelines for what every student should know and be able to do in math and English language arts from kindergarten through 12th grade.

The standards were drafted by experts and teachers from across the country and are designed to ensure students are prepared for today’s entry-level careers, freshman-level college courses, and workforce training programs. The Common Core focuses on developing the critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills students will need to be successful. Forty-four states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) have voluntarily adopted and are moving forward with the standards.

The new standards also provide a way for teachers to measure student progress throughout the school year and ensure that students are on the pathway to success in their academic careers."

English Language Arts

The students of Kapalama Elementary will receive lessons in English Language Arts (ELA) using the McGraw Hill WONDERS program that was adopted by the State of Hawaii to address the Common Core State Standards. This ELA program was designed to allow teachers and students to access reading materials and additional activities digitally from home computers or devices.

Embedded within lessons, are opportunities for students to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to compete in the 21st century. Throughout the units of study, students are given ample opportunities to refine and master strategies that will enhance their ability to understand and analyze any challenging text, write with clarity and voice, to speak and listen in order to communicate and work effectively with others, and to view media with critical intelligence.


ORIGO Stepping Stones is the world-class elementary math program adopted by Kapalama Elementary. This program utilizes all available educational research to create a unique program that has never before been available to teachers.

Stepping Stones is an innovative online program that:

Science and Social Studies

Kapalama Elementary's science curriculum will focus on Hawaii Content and Performance Standards (HCPS III) and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) knowledge and skills are integrated into the curriculum through hands-on teacher created lessons.  

Social Studies is integrated into the Core curriculum. Social Studies is broken up into various strands: Historical Understanding, Political Science, Cultural Anthropology, Geography, and Economics. Concepts that are covered in Social Studies are important as it teaches our students to become active informed participants on a local, national, and global level. It also helps to prepare our students to grow as contributing citizens of the world and community that they live in. 


Kapalama Elementary is fully networked for voice, video, and data including internet access from all classrooms and offices.  All teachers have laptops and printers to plan lessons, take attendance and lunch count, produce report cards, and communicate via email. The library is networked for circulation, on-line catalog, and electronic references. There are two computer labs of iMac desktop computers and student computers are available in all classrooms. 

Grades 1 through 5 are now one-to-one with Google Chromebook laptops, which means that there is a device available for each student. In kindergarten classrooms have iPads and iMac desktops for use inside the classroom. Students go to a computer lab at least once every week for curriculum integrated lessons using applications from Google Apps for Education. In addition, students have access to numerous online learning programs such as KidBiz and IXL. Please see the technology page of our website for more information.