A+ After School Program

Kalihi YMCA:  A+ After School Program Provider

Kalihi YMCA will be Kapalama Elementary's A+ Program provider for this upcoming school year.  Kalihi YMCA is accepting applications for Kapalama's A+ Program.  Students enrolled in grades kindergarten through fifth grade are eligible if they are living with parents who are employed or attending colleges, universities, or other types of schools or engaged in job training programs during the hours of A+ operations (Hours are from the school dismissal time until 5:30pm).

See below for information on how to register for the A+ After School Program with the YMCA.

A+ Registration

A+ Registrations and program information will be available via online at www.ymcahonolulu.org and can be dropped off to the Kalihi YMCA (1335 Kalihi St. Hon, Hi, 96819).  

For questions and/or concerns, contact the Kalihi YMCA at (808) 848-2494.