Enrichment Activities
Aloha Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome to Kapalama Elementary's Enrichment Activities webpage. We hope you are all doing well during this unprecedented time. Our faculty and staff are all concerned for our students’ health and well-being, as well as their families. Although none of us have experienced a pandemic before, our teachers have been hard at work from their homes planning and preparing enrichment activities to keep our students' minds moving forward.
With news and updates changing by the hour, we know the next few weeks will not be easy. We understand many of you may still be working and have several children and family members to care for. Please do not stress over trying to complete all of the enrichment activities our teachers provided. Frustrations are already high due to our circumstances and we do not want to increase the stress on our families.
Please remember, students will not be penalized for not completing the enrichment activities and it will not affect their grades or current standings. These activities are meant to be for practice of skills they already learned this school year. Enrichment activities will be updated every Monday at 10am. All enrichment activities will be posted online only. No instructional packets or paper worksheets will be made for students at this time.
Our faculty and staff hope to be back in school with our students soon. Until then, we wish you and your family the very best. Please continue to follow the CDC guidelines using social distancing and hygiene protocol. For more information regarding COVID-19 and school-related information, go to the Home page of our school website. For the latest announcements, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
With lots of Love and Aloha,
❤️Kapalama Elementary Faculty and Staff
K-5 Enrichment Activities
Click on your child's grade level to view enrichment activities for the week from grade level teachers. For support and special education classes, see below. Enrichment activities will be updated and posted on this website every Monday at 10am.
Please remember, students will not be penalized for not completing the enrichment activities. It will not affect their grades or current standings. Enrichment activities are meant to be for practice of skills they already learned this school year and to keep our students' minds moving forward during school closures.
Online Resource Page for Students
Enrichment for Support Classes
Our support teachers and counselors have prepared enrichment activities for students. Click on the following links to view activities:
English Learners (EL)
April 2020:
May 2020:
April 2020:
May 2020:
Enrichment for Special Education classes
Our special education teachers have prepared enrichment activities for their students.
Read the following letter to parents from Special Education Teachers for an overview and instructions:
03/30/2020 Letter to Parents
04/06/2020 Letter to Parents
04/13/2020 Letter to Parents
04/20/2020 Letter to Parents
04/27/2020 Letter to Parents
05/04/2020 Letter to Parents
05/11/2020 Letter to Parents
Click on the following links to view enrichment activities for each class:
Special Messages from our Staff
Dear Kapalama Students, We miss you so very much and want you to know that you are loved!
Ms. Nakata, Ms. Vea, Mrs. Funada, Mrs. Markham, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Kamimura, Ms. Wong, Mr. Camarillo, Mrs. Aiona, Mrs. Okinaka, Mrs. Watanabe, Mrs. Won, Mrs. Kaya, Mrs. Onaga & Ms. Gabby, Mrs. Wong, and Mrs. Alapa
Kapalama Family! Remember that Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love. Share Smiles. Laugh Loudly. Love Always.
Mrs. Shinsato, Mrs. Horiuchi, Mrs. Takemoto, Ms. Tagata, Mrs. Mendiola, Mrs. Takasaki, Ms. Chung, Mrs. Toor, Mrs. Taitague, Mrs. Kim, Mrs. Mashima, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Kajiyama, Mrs. Tate, and Mrs. Pasion
Smile everyday by doing a random act of kindness. Choose love!
Kapalama's Office Staff: Mrs. Watanabe, Mrs. Oyakawa, Mrs. Nunies, Mrs. Wong, and Grandma Alice
In a world where you can be anything, be kind. We miss you so very much!
Ms. Gabby, Mrs. Mashima, Mrs. Horuchi, Mrs. Won, Mrs. Onaga, Mrs. Wong, Mrs Funada, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Kaya, Mrs. Pasion, Ms. Wong, Mrs. Aiona, Mrs. Takemoto, Mrs. Kim, Mrs. Takasaki, and Mrs. Mendiola
Wash your hands, practice social distancing, wear masks, stay home. We will get through this together!
Mrs. Takasaki, Mrs. Tani, Ms. Dang, Mr. Sakamoto, Mrs. MJ, Mr. Camarillo, Mrs. Toyama, Mrs. Watanabe, Mrs. Oshiro, Ms. Toni, Mrs. Shindo, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Shinsato, Mrs. Kau, Ms. Gabby, and Mrs. Young
Other Resources for Parents and Caregivers
Be a Digital Citizen
First off, let's just be clear: when anyone engages online, it's essential that everyone behaves appropriately. HIDOE students must follow the Technology Responsible Use Guidelines and Chapter 19 Guidelines.
STUDENTS: As a quick reminder, when you're online, be sure to:
Use respectful behavior and language.
Stick to appropriate topic discussions.
Send only appropriate video transmissions.
Use only appropriate icon, emoji, and avatar submissions.
Be honest and do not plagiarizing or copying others’ work. Use academic integrity.
Do not falsify information about yourself or impersonate others online.
Immediately report cyberbullying instances to your teacher, counselor, administrator, or https://www.speaknowhidoe.com/. (This is currently only available for Secondary students.)
When everyone remembers to act kindly, show consideration for others, and treat one another online as you wish to be treated in person, we'll all be able to focus on learning.
Information from HIDOE Parent/Student Continuity of Education Webpage