Attendance Policy
Students are required to attend school daily and be in class on time so that optimum benefits of education can be achieved. Unexcused absences and tardies are unacceptable and prevent maximum teaching and learning from taking place. Attendance is everyone’s responsibility.
The school requests the cooperation of parents and guardians in getting children to school by 7:55 a.m. before the warning bell rings.
Students with perfect attendance are recognized at school assemblies. We hope that your child can be recognized for this achievement!
Compulsory School Attendance Law
In Hawai‘i, school attendance by youth ages 5-18 is required by law. Hawaii Revised Statute (HRS) 302A-1132, Hawaii’s Compulsory School Attendance Law, states “unless excluded from school or excepted from attendance, all children who will have arrived at the age of at least five years on or before July 31 of the school year shall attend either a public or private school for, and during, the school year, and any parent, guardian, or other person having the responsibility for, or care of, a child whose attendance at school is obligatory shall send the child to either public or private school. [Source: Hawai‘i State Legislature, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, 2014]
Futhermore, HRS 302A-1135 states the penalty, that if any child of school age persists in being absent from school, the parent(s), guardian or other person having charge of the child, may be summoned to appear before the Family Court and could be found guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
In order to ensure students' accountability for their attendance and to ensure consistent data collection, the school will process and maintain attendance on a daily basis. Written documentation is required for each and every absence, to be submitted to the school office within three (3) days upon student's return to school.
A phone call to inform the school of an absence is mandatory and written documentation is still required. A note written by a parent or guardian should include the following information:
Date note was written
Student's legal first and last name (as listed on school records)
Date(s) of absence
Reason for absence
Phone number(s) where parent/guardian can be contacted
Parent/Guardian's signature
A doctor's note is required for any absences with the specific medical reason for absence stated.
Frequent or chronic absences and/or tardiness may result in the filing of an educational neglect petition and referral to the Family Court as required by law.
Absences include the following:
Illness (with a doctor’s note)
Funeral for immediate family member
Babysitting or child care
Caring for the elderly
Entertaining visitors
Cleaning for home inspection
Family vacations (on/off island) trips
Parent request without explanation
Personal business
Youth Camp
Sports competition
Funeral for non-immediate family member
Kapalama requests the cooperation of parents and guardians in getting children to school by 7:55 a.m. A child who comes to school after 8:05 a.m. is tardy. Instruct your child to report to the office to obtain a tardy card after the 8:05 a.m. bell has rung. Students are required to turn in the tardy card to their teacher in order to be admitted to the classroom.
If the tardy is due to a medical, dental or court appointment, please bring a verified doctor, dentist or court note.
Absences and tardies affect the student’s academic performance and are subject to the following consequences:
1. School level consequences
2. Parent Conferences with Administration
3. A petition submitted to Family Court for Educational Neglect/Truancy
Requesting Homework for Absences
If a child is absent from school for two (2) or more consecutive days, the parent or guardian may request homework by calling the school office at 305-5500. Requests for homework must be made by 9:00 a.m. for pick up in the front office after 2:30 p.m. the same day. Homework requested after 9:00 a.m. may not be available until the next day. Please call the front office to confirm assignments are in the front office before coming to pick up at school. Teachers are not required to provide make-up work for unexcused absences.
Appointments & Vacations
Parents are urged to schedule appointments after the school day and on weekends whenever possible to avoid disruption in the learning process. Long family vacations during the times when school is in session are discouraged by law.
Extended Absences
Parents must notify the school in writing at least 2 weeks in advance of any extended absences due to family vacations, youth camps, and/or sports competitions. Absence will be considered unexcused and student academics may be adversely affected. Teachers are not required to provide make make-up work.
Early Release
Parents are asked to schedule appointments or other non-school events during non-school hours. For special events or emergencies, we request a signed note stating the reason, destination, and time of release be sent to the office when requesting for an early release. When picking up your child, report to the office to sign him/her out. The office will then send for your child. If you are sending someone in place of yourself to pick up your child, please advise them to bring some type of proper picture I.D. and a note with their name on it. Please be advised that the school office reserves the right to verify releases by calling the parent or legal guardian.
Contagious or Communicable Diseases
A student who contracts diseases such as impetigo, ringworm, scabies, diphtheria, pink eye, poliomyelitis, scarlet fever, strep throat and other streptococcal infections, whooping cough, chickenpox, mumps, conjunctivitis, influenza, measles, rubella or German measles, and active tuberculosis shall be excluded from school until a physician certifies that the student may return to school. In this case, parents need to notify the school.
Uku or Head Lice (Pediculosis)
Contact the school health aide at 305-5500 for more information about proper treatment for head lice or uku.