Family / Student / School Compact
We, the school community of Kapalama, are committed to nurturing all children to have a positive self-concept and a caring, respectful attitude towards themselves and others; to know about the world around them; to be confident to think critically, initiate ideas and express their thought; to balance academic achievement with sound common groups; to practice social skills that contribute to the feeling of ohana; to welcome challenges and to take risks; to exhibit an avid curiosity that leads to life-long learning; and to put forth the hard work required to achieve their personal potential and become responsible citizens of our community.
Parents / Guardian's Agreement
I will support my child's education by:
Reading to (and/or being read to by) my child on a daily basis and helping with homework.
Making sure my child comes to school on time daily.
Trying to be actively involved in school by attending meetings and conferences.
Monitoring the quality of my child's TV viewing and limiting TV viewing time.
Monitoring my child's use of technology (e.g. computer, phone, iPad, iPod, etc.).
Providing a safe place to study that is quiet and free from distractions.
Being a positive role model.
Student's Agreement
It is important for me to do my very best in school. I promise to:
Do all my school work and homework on a timely basis.
Come to school on time everyday.
Obey all school rules and be a good citizen.
Ask for help when I have a problem.
Practice good social skills.
Aim to meet or exceed my grade level standards.
Teacher's Agreement
I will strive to:
Provide meaningful standards-based instruction and learning activities.
Support student's self esteem and nurture students to take pride in what they do.
Encourage and advise parents on how to be involved with their child.
Provide student progress and informations.
Nurture students to become responsible citizens.
Maintain a positive, stimulating learning environment.
Administrator's Agreement
I will provide an environment that supports:
Positive communication among students, staff, and parents.
A climate free of drugs and violence that nurtures the growth of children.
Current trends in literacy, mathematics, and the integration technologies.
A welcoming atmosphere for students and parents.
Teachers to be fair and consistent with all students.