School Uniforms

Background Information 

The School Community Council sent out a survey in the 2008-2009 school year to determine if the community wanted school uniforms. The answer was YES with a large majority of parents supporting uniforms. We know you will love the design and the cost is reasonable for families. 

Buying & Ordering

Colors: Purple, Yellow, Black 

Sizes: Youth X-Small - Adult Large

New Design that came out in School Year 2022-2023 in Purple, Yellow, and Black.

There are two options to purchase school uniforms:

1.  Order and pay online.  Orders will be delivered to Kapalama school for pick-up.  Online orders made by the 15th of each month will be delivered to the main office by the following Friday.  Deliveries will be made throughout the school year.  To order online, click on the following link:

2.  Visit The Custom Company store to purchase school uniforms.  The Custom Company store is located in the Harbor Center.

The Custom Company

Address: 98-027 Hekaha Street #25

Aiea, Hawaii 96701

Phone:  (808) 799-8191

Store Hours:  Monday to Friday 9:00am-4:00pm, Saturday 10:00am-2:00am

Uniform Policy 

A mandatory School Uniform Policy has been adopted by the Kapalama School Community Council during the 2009-2010 school year. All students attending Kapalama Elementary School are required to wear the school uniform effective the first day of school. 

Students are required to wear a new or old uniform shirt and appropriate bottom, footwear, and outerwear. This policy applies at all times, on campus, in buses, on field trips, and other school sponsored activities. 


All students are required to wear a uniform shirt. Uniform shirts can be from the school selected uniform vendor or previously designed Kapalama shirts. 

Shirts that are not tucked in must not extend below shorts, skirt, or skorts. 

Shirts may not be altered (sleeves cut off, marked on, etc.) 


All shorts/pants shall be appropriate with no exposed undergarments. 

Unacceptable bottoms include:

Saggy, baggy or oversized pants/shorts. Pants/shorts that are see through, or reveals underwear. Torn jeans/shorts 


Flats or athletic shoes are appropriate. No high-heeled footwear (i.e. slippers, shoes) should be worn by students. 


Non-compliance with the Uniform Policy will be considered as Class C Insubordination and students will be disciplined according to the Chapter 19 and School Disciplinary Guidelines. Parents will be notified of disciplinary consequences. 


Parental Leadership and Involvement (BOE Guideline #1) The decision represents the views of a majority of the members of the school community. All role groups participated in the conversations and decision-making. Financial Assistance to Students and Families (BOE Guideline #2) Uniform scholarship are offered by the vendors for families with financial need. Financial eligibility will be determined based on federal income guidelines (AFDC - those used for Free/Reduced Lunch eligibility). Protection of students' Constitutional Rights (BOE Guideline #3) 

As stated in the Religious Expression in Public Schools Guide (August 1995), students may display religious messages on items of clothing to the same extent that they are permitted to display other comparable messages. Religious messages will not be singled out for suppression, but will be subject tot he same rules as generally applies to comparable messages. The Kapalama Elementary School Uniform Policy will not prohibit students from wearing or displaying expressive items as long as those items do not independently contribute to disruption by substantially interfering with discipline or with the rights of others. The Constitutional rights of students will be respected and Kapalama Elementary School will not impose any messages, political or otherwise, on the school uniform. The school name, logo/mascot will appear on the uniform. Waiver (BOE Guideline #4) Parents wishing to extent their student from the uniform policy, may "opt-out" by requesting the Application for Exemption form available in the school office. Parents should (1) return the completed forms to the office, (2) meet with the Principal or Vice- Principal to discuss the student uniform policy and nature of the objection; and (3) review the acceptable student attire. Exemptions are valid only for the current school year and must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. 


Uniforms alone will not solve all the problems of public schools and the public perception of them. However, they are surely one positive contributing factor to improved school discipline and safety, and focus student creativity on achievement and learning success. As parents, staff, students and members of the community work together, a uniform policy becomes part of a strong overall school safety program that supports the learning success of all students. 


Occasionally, students may be allowed to dress in non-uniform attire. On these days, students may wear t-shirts, polo shirts, or aloha / dress shirts that do not have any slogans, messages or inappropriate pictures. These tops may be of any color. Bottoms must be regulation.